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Curriculum Vitae


Father’s Name : Late Md. Afazuddin
Mother’s Name : Mrs. Meherun Nessa
Spouse Name : Dr. Farhana Tasneem, MD (Pediatrics)
Date of Birth : July 19, 1975
Nationality : Bangladeshi (by birth)
Marital Status : Married
Religion : Islam
BMDC Registration No : A-31890
Home Address : Shamolima, Building 1, Flat A-5, 7/2 Ring Road, Shyamoli, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh

Permanent Address : Crystal Castle, Flat 8-D, 3/9 Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh

Office Address : Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
Bangladesh Institute of Child Health Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital Sher-e-bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh

Contact Info : Mobile: +88-01819292138
Office : +88-02-9104211-20, Extension: 344
E-mail : drsmbablu@gmail.com

  1. Professor , Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology Nutrition, Bangladesh Institute of Child Health (BICH), Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital.
  2. Supervisor, MD (Pediatrics) Residency Course
  3. Co-guide, MD (Pediatrics) Thesis
  4. Life Member, Bangladesh Pediatric Association (BPA)
  5. Executive Member, Bangladesh Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (BASPGAN)
  6. Foreign Member, Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (ISPGHAN)
  7. Foreign Member, North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (NASPGHAN)
  8. Foreign Member, Asian Pan-Pacific Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (APPSPGHAN)
  1. Resident Medical Officer, Pediatric Medicine, Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital, from 05/02/2004 to 31/12/2010.
  2. Resident Medical Officer, Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition, Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital, from 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2013.
  3. Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition, Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital, Bangladesh Institute of Child Health from 01/01/2014 to 09.08.2019.
  4. Professor, Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition, Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital, Bangladesh Institute of Child Health from 10/08/2019 to till date.
  1. Motility Workshop in International Pediatric Gastroenterology & Hepatology School, KVO IX update, Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2019).
  2. Master Class in Metabolic Liver Disease, MCLD Rela Institute, Chennai, India (2019)
  3. 4th Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (ISPGHAN) Conference, Enteral & Parenteral Nutrition Workshop, Guwahati, Assam, India (2017).
  4. 4th National Conference on “Clinical Scinarios of Pediatric Liver Diseases (CSPLD)”, Institute of Liver & Biliary Science (ILBS), New Delhi, India (2017).
  5. World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (WCPGHAN), Post Graduate Course, Montreal, Canada (2016).
  6. Clinical Observer in Pediatric Gastroenterology in Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS), Lucknow, India (2016).
  7. KVO Update (Postgraduate Course in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Liver Transplantation & Nutrition) in Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2016).
  8. Clinical Observer in Gastro-Liver unit in Birmingham Children Hospital, UK (2015).
  9. 2nd Kunwar Viren Oswal Postgraduate Course in “Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Liver Transplantation & Nutrition” in Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, India (2014).
  10. e-training: Post Graduate Programme in Pediatric Nutrition (PGPN) Boston University, USA(2014).
  11. 1st Kunwar Viren Oswal Postgraduate Course in “Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Liver Transplantation &Nutrition” in Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi, India (2013).
  12. Training of Trainers (TOT) program on “Management on Childhood Tuberculosis” (2015).


Basic & Advanced Endoscopy fromBangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University(BSMMU), Dhaka, Bangladesh (2014)


  1. Advanced Endoscopy from Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2014).
  2. Basic & Advanced Endoscopy from ESPGHAN Endoscopy Summer School, Sheffield, UK (2015)
  3. Advanced Endoscopy from Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2016).
  4. Basic & Advanced Endoscopy from Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS), Lucknow, India (2016).
  5. Hands on Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy, World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology,Hepatology & Nutrition (WCPGHAN), Montreal, Canada (2016).
  6. Advanced Endoscopy from Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2017).
  7. Advanced Endoscopy from Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2018).
  8. Hands on Course in Pediatric Therapeutic GI Endoscopy, The 14th Congress of Asia PanPacific Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (APPSGHAN), Bangkok, Thailand (2018).
  9. Hands on Course in Pediatric Therapeutic GI Endoscopy: 6th Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (ISPGHAN) Conference, Chennai, India (2019)..
  1. Resource Person, Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM). National Nutrition Service (NNS), Institute of Public Health & Nutrition (IPHN) & Save the Children Dhaka, Bangladesh (2017)
  2. Resource Person, Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) & Community based Moderate Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) in Bangladesh. National Nutrition Service (NNS) & Institute of Public Health & Nutrition (IPHN) Dhaka, Bangladesh (2016)
  3. Resource Person, Training on Revitalization of Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) in Bangladesh Breast Feeding Foundation (BFF) Dhaka, Bangladesh (2016)
  4. Resource Person, Workshop on Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) & Moderate Acute Malnutrition, 4th International Pediatric Gastroenterology Conference of Bangladesh Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition (BASPGAN 2019)
Pediatric Interventional Gastroenterologist
  1. Liver biopsy: 200
  2. Pediatric endoscopy: 300
  3. Colonoscopy: 40
  4. Band ligation: 100
  5. Colonoscopic polypectomy: 12
  6. Foreign body Removal: 4
  1. Delivery lecture to Doctor of Medicine (MD) Pediatrics students
  2. Delivery lecture to Fellow College of Physicians & Surgeons (FCPS) students
  3. Delivery lecture to Diploma in Child Health (DCH) students
  4. Delivery lecture to Diploma in Pediatric Nursing students


  1. 6th Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (ISPGHAN) Conference
    Venue : Hotel Grand Chola, Chennai, India (2019)
    Presentation : Poster
    Date : 19th& 20th October, 2019
    Title : Effectiveness and Safety of Sofosbuvir in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infectionof Bangladeshi Children
    Award : A beautiful Certificate
  2. 6th Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (ISPGHAN) Conference
    Venue : Hotel Grand Chola, Chennai, India (2019)
    Presentation : Poster
    Date : 19th& 20th October, 2019
    Title : Seroconversion of Hepatitis B Vaccine in Young Bangladeshi Children: A tertiary Centre Experience
    Award : A beautiful Certificate
  3. 7th Annual Elite Ped. GI Congress (PASPGHAN)
    Venue : Hotel Beach Rotana, Abu Dhabi, UAE (2019)
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : 3-4th April, 2019
    Title : Effectiveness and Safety of Sofosbuvir in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection of Bangladeshi Children.
    Award : Best oral abstract presenter (A beautiful Lenovo Tab)
  4. 7th Annual Elite Ped. GI Congress (PASPGHAN)
    Venue : Abu Dhabi, UAE (2019)
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : 3-4th April, 2019
    Title : Seroconversion of Hepatitis B Vaccine in Young Bangladeshi Children: A tertiary Centre Experience
    Award : A beautiful Certificate
  5. 4th Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (ISPGHAN) Conference
    Venue : Guwahati, Assam, India (2017)
    Presentation : Poster
    Date : 28th& 29th October, 2017
    Title : Evaluation of Neonatal Cholestasis-An Experience in a Tertiary Centre of Bangladesh.
    Award : A beautiful Certificate
  6. World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (WCPGHAN)
    Venue : Montreal, Canada (2016)
    Presentation : Poster
    Date : 6th October, 2016
    Title : Outcome of band ligation in esophageal varices of Bangladeshi children.
    Award : A beautiful Certificate
  7. 4th Kunwar Viren Oswal Postgraduate Course (KVOC) KVO Update
    Venue : Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2016)
    Speciality : Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Liver Transplantation & Nutrition
    Presentation : Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis
    Win : Best interesting case presentation award
    Award : Textbook (Textbook of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition).
  8. 2nd Kunwar Viren Oswal Postgraduate Course (KVOC)
    Venue : Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2014)
    Speciality : Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Liver Transplantation & Nutrition
    Presentation : Interesting Case (Known case of Hb-E beta-thalassaemia with Wilson’s disease with hepatic encephalopathy stage-II)
    Win : Best interesting case presentation award
    Award : Textbook (Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System in Children) by Deirdre. A Kelly from her own hand.
  9. World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases (WSPID), 7th world Congress
    Venue : Melbourne, Australia (2011)
    Title : Age-specific prevalence of antibodies to Hepatitis Avirus among Bangladeshi children.
    Presentation : Poster Presentation
    Date : November, 2011
    Award : A beautiful Certificate


  1. e-Scientific Meeting organized by Sanofi, Bangladesh
    Venue : Zoom Meeting
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : June 28, 2020
    Title : COVID-19 & Caring the kids.
  2. e-Scientific Meeting organized by Sanofi, Bangladesh
    Venue : Zoom Meeting
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : July 17, 2020
    Title : COVID-19 vs. Allergies in Children
  3. e-Scientific Meeting organized by Sanofi, Bangladesh
    Venue : Zoom Meeting
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : August 24, 2020
    Title : COVID-19 in Children: An Update
  4. 4th International Pediatric Gastroenterology Conference of Bangladesh Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition (BASPGAN)
    Venue : Shaheed Dr. Milon Hall, BSMMU.
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : November 16, 2019
    Title : Effectiveness and Safety of Sofosbuvir in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection of Bangladeshi Children.
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  5. Scientific Seminar on Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Infancy
    Venue : Radisson Blu Water Garden, Dhaka.
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : September 30, 2019
    Title : Infantile Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders and Gut discomforts in Infants
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  6. Scientific Seminar on Child Nutrition
    Venue : Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka.
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : July 30, 2019
    Title : Factors affecting the Height of Children: Genetic or Environmental?
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  7. 15th Annual Conference of Association for the study of Liver Diseases Bangladesh: LIVERCON 2019.
    Venue : Bangabandhu International Convention Centre (BICC).
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : April 04-05, 2019
    Title : Effectiveness and Safety of Sofosbuvir in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection of Bangladeshi Children.
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  8. 21st National Conference of Bangladesh Pediatric Association (BPA)
    Venue : Milon Hall, BSMMU, Dhaka.
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : March 21-22, 2019
    Title : Seroconversion of Hepatitis B Vaccine in Young Bangladeshi Children: A tertiary Centre Experience
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  9. 5th International Conference of Bangladesh Neonatal Forum (BNF)
    Venue : Milon Hall, BSMMU, Dhaka.
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : March 03, 2018
    Title : Hepatitis B Vaccination at Birth: Reduces 80% Mother to Child Transmission
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  10. 3rd International Conference of Pediatric Hematology & Oncology Society of Bangladesh (PHOSB)
    Venue : Milon Hall, BSMMU, Dhaka.
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : February 24, 2018
    Title : Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Negative HBV in Bangladesh: Warrants the screening of Blood Donors.
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  11. A Scientific Seminar organized by Bangladesh Society for Pediatric Infectious Disease (BSPID)
    Venue : Samson H Chowdhury Center, Dhaka Club.
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : February 19, 2018
    Title : Role of Probiotics in Diarrhea.
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  12. 26th International Scientific Conference of Obstetrical & Gynaecological Society of Bangladesh (OGSB)
    Venue : Grand Sultan Tea Resort & Golf, Sreemangal, Moulvibazar, Sylhet.
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : December 8, 2017
    Title : Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Negative HBV in Pregnancy: Warrants Ante-natal Screening & the screening of Blood Donors.
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  13. A Scientific Seminar organized by Pediatric Surgery Department of Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital
    Venue : Auditorium, BICH (Bangladesh Institute of Child Health)
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : November 30, 2017
    Title : Neonatal Cholestasis: Bangladesh Perspective
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  14. 20th National Conference of Bangladesh Pediatric Association (BPA)
    Venue : Hotel Seagull, Cox Bazar.
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : November 17, 2017
    Title : Hepatitis B Vaccination at birth: Reduces 80%Mother to Child Transmission.
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  15. National Conference by Bangladesh Society for Pediatric Infectious Disease (BSPID)
    Venue : Bangabandhu International Convention Centre (BICC)
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : April 24, 2017
    Title : Surface antigen (HBsAg) Negative Hepatitis B Virus: Warrants for the Screening of Blood Donors.
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  16. A Scientific Seminar organized by Department of Pediatrics, CWCH (Centre for Woman & Child Health)
    Venue : Lecture room, CWCH (Centre for Woman & Child Health).
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : April 15, 2017
    Title :Surface antigen (HBsAg) Negative Hepatitis B Virus: Warrants for the Screening of Blood Donors & Pregnant Woman.
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  17. 3rd International Pediatric Gastroenterology Conference of Bangladesh Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition (BASPGAN)
    Venue : Shaheed Dr. Milon Hall, BSMMU.
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : March 18, 2017
    Title :Surface antigen (HBsAg) Negative Hepatitis B Virus: Warrants for the Screening of Blood Donors & Pregnant Woman.
    Award : A beautiful Crest.
  18. Seminar on “Severe Acute Malnutrition” (Chief speaker) 2009
  19. Seminar on “Breast feeding” (Chief Speaker) 2010
  20. Seminar on “Infant & Young Child Feeding” (Chief Speaker) 2011
  21. Seminar on “Wilson’s Disease” (Chief Speaker) 2012
  22. Seminar on “Probiotics in Pediatric Practice” (Chief Speaker) 2015
  23. Seminar in “Portal Hypertension in Children” (Chief Speaker) 2015
  24. Seminar in “Overfeeding in Children” (Chief Speaker) 2016
  25. Seminar on “Neonatal Cholestasis” (Chief Speaker) 2017

KVO Update: Hot Topics in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Liver Transplantation & Nutrition.

Venue : Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2017)
Chairperson : In a scientific session
Date : 7th& 8th October 2017
Award : A beautiful Crest.
  1. Intrnational Pediatric Gastroenterology & Hepatology School.
    Venue : Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2019)
    Chairperson : In a scientific session
    Date : November 1-2, 2019
    Title : Effectiveness and Safety of Sofosbuvir in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infectionof Bangladeshi Children
    Award : A beautiful Certificate
  2. 7th Annual Elite Ped. GI Congress (PASPGHAN)
    Venue : Hotel Beach Rotana, Abu Dhabi, UAE (2019)
    Moderator : In a scientific session
    Date : 3-4th April, 2019
    Award : A beautiful Certificate
  3. KVO VIII Update: Hot Topics in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Liver Transplantation & Nutrition.
    Venue : Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2018)
    Moderator : In a scientific session
    Date : 6th & 7th October 2018
    Award : A beautiful Certificate
  1. 6th Indian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (ISPGHAN) Conference
    Venue : Hotel ITC Grand Chola, Chennai, India (2019)
    Faculty : In a scientific session
    Date : 18-20th October, 2019
    Award : A beautiful Certificate
  2. KVO IX Update: Hot Topics in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Liver Transplantation & Nutrition.
    Venue : Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2018)
    Faculty : In a scientific session
    Date : 30th October-3rd November 2019
    Award : A beautiful Certificate
  1. A Scientific Seminar organized by Bangladesh Society for Pediatric Infectious Disease (BSPID)
    Venue : Samson H Chowdhury Center, Dhaka Club.
    Presentation : As a key note speaker
    Date : February 19, 2018
    Award : A beautiful Certificate
  2. A Scientific Seminar organized by Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Bangladesh Institute of Child Health (BICH) and Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital
    Venue : BICH Auditorium
    Presentation : As a key note speaker
    Date : October 18, 2015
    Award : A beautiful Certificate
  1. 7th Annual Elite Ped. GI Congress (PASPGHAN)
    Venue : Hotel Beach Rotana, Abu Dhabi, UAE (2019)
    Presentation : Oral
    Date : 3-4th April, 2019
    Title : Effectiveness and Safety of Sofosbuvir in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection of Bangladeshi Children.
    Award : Best oral abstract presenter (A beautiful Lenovo Tab)
  2. World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (WCPGHAN)
    Venue : Montreal, Canada (2016)
    Presentation : Poster
    Title : Outcome of band ligation in esophageal varices of Bangladeshi children
    Date : 6th October, 2016
    Award : Travel grants $1000
  3. 4nd Kunwar Viren Oswal Postgraduate Course (KVOC) KVO Update
    Venue : Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2016)
    Speciality : Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Liver Transplantation & Nutrition
    Presentation : Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis
    Win : Best interesting case presentation award
    Award : Textbook (Textbook of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition)
  4. 2nd Kunwar Viren Oswal Postgraduate Course (KVOC)
    Venue : Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, India (2014)
    Speciality : Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, LiverTransplantation & Nutrition
    Presentation : Interesting Case (Known case of Hb-E be tathalassaemia with Wilson’s disease with hepatic encephalopathy stage-II)
    Win : Best interesting case presentation award
    Award : Textbook (Diseases of the Liver & Biliary System inChildren) by Deirdre. A Kelly from her own hand
  1. Dengue Hepatitis in Children: A tertiary Centre Experience.
  2. Presentation of Hepatological Wilson’s in Bangladeshi Children: A tertiary Centre Experience.


  1. Mahmud S, Ahmed SS, Hussain M, Afroz M, Tasneem F. Recent Spectrum of Acute Viral Hepatitis in Children: An Experience in a Tertiary centre of Bangladesh. Advanced Research in Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2017; 6 (3): 1-8.
  2. Mahmud S, Ahmed SS, Hussain M. Chikungunya Fever: A Global Burden including Bangladesh. International Journal of Scientific Research 2017; 6 (7): 542-546.
  3. Mahmud S, Hussain M, Ahmed SS, Rahman M, Tasneem F, Afroz M. Burden of HCV in Bangladesh: Warrants the Screening for Blood Donors. Academic Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatology 2017; 5 (1): 1-7.
  4. Mahmud S, Ahmed SS. Hepatitis B Vaccination at birth: Reduces perinatal transmission successfully. International J Vaccines Vaccination 2020; 6(1): 4-10.
  5. Mahmud S, Gulshan J, Parvez M, Tasneem F, Ahmed SS. Evaluation of Neonatal Cholestasis: An Experience in a Tertiary Centre of Bangladesh. SJG 2020; 1(1): 7-14.
  6. Mahmud S, Gulshan J, Parvez M, Tasneem F, Ahmed SS. Etiology & Outcome of Neonatal Cholestasis: An Experience in a Tertiary Centre of Bangladesh. Egyptian Liver Journal (Submitted) June 2020.


  1. Mahmud S, Rahman M, Tasneem F, Ahmed SS, Hussain M. Surface antigen (HBsAg) Negative Hepatitis B Virus in Bangladesh: Warrants for the Screening of Blood Donors. Bangladesh Journal of Child Health 2017. 41(3): 81-88.
  2. Mahmud S, Ahmed SS, Gulshan J, Tasneem F, Baidya M. Outcome of Band Ligation in Esophageal Varices of Bangladeshi Children. Bangladesh Journal of Child Health 2017; 40(1): 28-33.
  3. Mahmud S, Ahmed SS, Gulshan J, Parvez M, Tasneem F. Percutaneous Liver Biopsy in the Diagnosis of Pediatric Liver Diseases. Bangladesh Journal of Child Health 2016; 40(2): 72-78.
  4. Mahmud S, Ahmed SS, Parvez M, Tasneem F, Afroz M. Etiology of Neonatal Cholestasis-An Experience in a Tertiary Centre of Bangladesh. Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital Journal 2016; 32(1): 22-26.
  5. Mahmud S, Ahmed SS, Gulshan J, Tasneem F. Etiology of Portal Hypertension in Children-An Experience in a Tertiary Centre of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Child Health 2015; 39 (1): 14-17.
  6. Mahmud S, Karim B, Alam J, Islam MMZ, Sarker N, Munshi S,et al. Hepatitis A virus vaccination strategy & pre-immunization screening of Bangladeshi children. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science 2015; 14(1): 65-69.
  7. Mahmud S, Karim B, Alam J, Saha SK, Ahmed SS, Islam MMZ et al. Identification of Hepatitis A virus antibody among Bangladeshi Children and their correlation with socioeconomic condition. Northern International Medical College Journal 2014; 6(1): 12-14.
  8. Munsi AS,Hussain M, Rima R, Biswas R, Mahmud S, Sayeed A. Pattern of congenital heart diseases among clinically diagnosed Down’s syndrome children. Northern International Medical College Journal 2014; 6(1): 18-20.
  9. Islam MMZ,Hossain MM, Mamun MAM, Mahmud S, Yasmeen BHN. Risk factors which affect the change of antibiotics in neonatal pneumonia observed in a tertiary care hospital. Northern International Medical College Journal 2014; 6(1): 21-24.
  10. Sarker NK,Hanif M, Rauf MA, Ahmed F, Sarkar PK & Mahmud S. Evaluation of renal histology of Pediatric Renal Disease: A single center experience. Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital Journal 2013; 28(2): 15-19.
  11. Mahmud S,Karim B, Alam J, Saha SK, Ahmed SS, Begum JA et al. Age-specific prevalence of antibodies to Hepatitis A virus among Bangladeshi children. Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital Journal 2012; 28 (1): 31-34.
  12. Ahmed SS,Chowdhury TJ, Hasan SM, Mahmud S, Hasan R. Nutritional scenario of 1-5 years children among Khasia Population of Sylhet district. Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital Journal 2012; 28(2): 73-77.
  13. Alam J,Mobarak R, Arefin S, Sarker NR, Tayab A, Mahmud S et al. Liver biopsy in children in Dhaka Shishu Hospital: A study of 30 cases. Bangladesh Journal of Child Health 2010; 34(1): 1-6.
  14. Alam J,Ahmed F, Mobarak R, Arefin S, Tayab A, Mahmud S et al. Pattern of liver diseases in children admitted in Dhaka Shishu Hospital. International Journal of Hepatology 2009; 1(3): 18-24.